How a Cosmetic Dentist in Lawrence, KS Can Change Your Life

by | Nov 1, 2017 | Dental Health

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Many people are self-conscious about their smile but may not realize that visiting a cosmetic dentist can change their life. These dentists do more than simply check your teeth for cavities and take care of any issues they find at your yearly check-up. They are trained to improve your smile through different procedures and help you improve the overall quality of your life.

Teeth Whitening

This is probably one of the most popular procedures performed by a cosmetic dentist in Lawrence, KS and for good reason. A yellowing smile will make anyone feel self-conscious, but this simple treatment will dramatically reduce the discoloration of your teeth. This can be performed in the office and has noticeable effects.

Shape Your Teeth

For patients with unshapely teeth or ones that have been chipped or cracked, porcelain veneers can completely change the look of their smile. These are usually custom made by the cosmetic dentist so they perfectly fit your teeth and your smile. They can even be matched to the color of your other teeth so that nobody can tell you had work done. In addition, they bond quickly to your teeth and will improve their appearance immediately.

Smile Makeovers

A complete whole-mouth makeover is ideal for patients who need a lot of work done. From veneers and whitening to gum contouring, a makeover will change your look dramatically. Gum contouring will affect a gum line, making it more even and decreasing the appearance of a “gummy” smile. Check out Website Domain to see the list of options your cosmetic dentist can perform.

You don’t have to live with a smile that makes you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious. Dentists who specialize in cosmetic work are available to improve the appearance of your smile and help you better enjoy your life. If you feel like your smile is holding you back at work, in social settings or hurting your home life, then it’s time to talk to an expert about your options.