How 24 Hour Bail Bonds in Dekalb County Are Helpful

by | Aug 28, 2015 | Law Services

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Having access to 24 Hour Bail Bonds in Dekalb County is beneficial for those who need to get out of jail at odd hours. In some cases, people have lost their jobs because they were arrested and couldn’t get out of jail to make it to work. If an individual can get in touch with a 24-hour bail agent, it’s possible to be released before the next morning. An employer doesn’t have to know an employee spent part of the night in jail. This can really help with minor cases an employer would never find out about as long as the employee is able to make it to work.

People need to understand how 24 Hour Bail Bonds in Dekalb County work. In order to be released, 10 percent of the bail has to be paid to the bondsman. So if the bail is set at $750, the bondsman has to be paid $75. As such, it’s usually best to have another person pay the bondsman. A person who is in jail might not have immediate access to any money. There are cases where jail officials let people use the money they were arrested with to post bail, but the policy can vary from jail to jail. There are also times when bondsman will take a signature bond. This is usually when the bail is set low and the person isn’t seen has been a risk. People can click here to search for bail agents that do signature bonds.

Once bail is posted, the person being released from jail has to do his or her part to remain free. There is usually a piece of paper that has to be signed detailing the terms of release. An individual may not be allowed to drink alcohol while out on bail. If it is a domestic violence case, there will be additional restrictions that are meant to protect the alleged victim in the case. Contact with the alleged victim may be prohibited. Violating any conditions of the bail can get the bail revoked. A bail can be revoked and then set much higher than it was original, so it’s best that people out on bail adhere to the rules and regulations that the court has ordered.