Hobbies for Seniors: Interesting Things to Do to Pass the Time and Have Fun

by | Nov 2, 2019 | Assisted Living

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Retirement is a time that most people look forward to. The thought of not having to go to work or have a schedule is appealing. Having free time to travel or sit at home and relax is the best reward after spending the vast majority of your life working.

While it may be appealing to do nothing for a while, this lifestyle isn’t always sustainable, especially for people in senior living. It can quickly lead to boredom. Thus, having a hobby can be beneficial. It will allow you to meet new people, stay active, and keep your brain active! If you’re looking for some hobbies to pass the time and have some fun, consider doing some of those listed below.


This hobby will ensure you get outside for some fresh air and exercise. It can be relaxing to take care of plants and rewarding to know that you had a hand in growing some delicious food. It can also be a great way to meet others who share the same interest and talk about the best ways to get the plants to grow.


Many senior living facilities offer exercise classes to keep the inhabitants healthy and moving. If you have the chance to take some yoga classes, do it. Not only is this good for your health, but it will help you retain flexibility as well as allow you to relax and unwind.

Crafts or Puzzles

If you prefer a hobby that is less intensive, then consider taking up craft making or putting together puzzles. Both of these require concentration, which will keep your brain engaged. You can also take pride in knowing that you created something amazing.

When it comes to senior living, being in the right place and being able to take up hobbies will keep you engaged and prevent you from getting bored. See what Inglemoor Rehabilitation & Care Center has to offer.