Hiring Exterminators in Queens to Tackle Bed Bug Infestations

by | Dec 14, 2017 | Home And Garden

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If a home or business is infested with bed bugs, the owner needs the help from exterminators in Queens. This is because these insects are almost impossible to get rid of yourself. Trying to do this will result in people spending tons of time and money frantically cleaning, only to discover that their actions never worked.

Hiring a bed bug exterminator can seem expensive, but it is usually worth the cost. Learn why below.

Hard to kill

This type of pest cannot be killed by pesticides. People can try to save money by buying boxes of products at the store in an attempt to get rid of this problem in the same way that they would with ants or other minor infestations. However, this will not have any effect, and they will have lost money and time.

Unlike many other insects, this pest will not just leave the house when the owner cleans the property, as these insects feed on blood, not crumbs or spills. Keep in mind that there are some pest control companies that may not have the tools or experience necessary to kill bed bugs. For this reason, it is crucial to hire reliable exterminators in Queens that have a history of dealing with this problem.

Washing clothing and goods won’t get it done

People could also assume that just washing their sheets and blankets can get rid of these pests. However, it will hardly make a dent in the bedbug population. There is the chance you won’t see anything for a few days and, at the drop of a hat, dozens are back.

This is because they tend to infect the entire house, not just beds. They are in the carpeting, sofa, and maybe in clothing. Short of getting rid of all these items, as well as anything else they might be interested in, people cannot fight them on their own.

Plus, even if you kill adult insects, the eggs will stick around, and you’ll just have to welcome a new batch to the home. Understanding how these insects live and multiply could help people fight the infestation on multiple fronts. However, the use of a professional is a must. Get more inforamtion here.