Hiring A Criminal Lawyer In Hattiesburg, MS For A Domestic Violence Charge

by | May 29, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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The state of Mississippi takes domestic violence seriously and takes precautionary measures to prevent further occurrences. These offenses apply to any individual who lives with the accused, had a romantic relationship with him or her, or is related to them and lived with them at one time. Domestic assault is described as an attempt to injure the individual physically, cause a reckless physical injury with or without a deadly weapon, or threatens to inflict bodily harm. If you are accused of domestic violence, you should contact a Criminal Lawyer in Hattiesburg MS.

Stipulations of Domestic Violence Laws: Aggravated domestic violence is a common occurrence in Mississippi. It happens most often between current or former spouses or romantic partners. Like other forms of domestic violence the offender commits the act without concern of the outcome. Strangulation is one of the most predominant forms of aggravated domestic violence. The occurrence is classified as aggravated if the offender is attempting to cause serious bodily harm to the victim. It also encompasses events in which the offender causes extreme harm via the use of a deadly weapon such as a firearm or knife. The infraction is still classified as aggravated if attempts to cause bodily harm are unsuccessful. The laws further protect children from domestic violence within the home, in school, and on the school bus. Children that are charged with domestic violence are represented by a Criminal Lawyer in Hattiesburg MS.

In domestic violence cases, the injuries are typically cuts, bruises, and broken bones. The offender is charged based on the severity of the injuries. For instance for the charge to be classified as serious or aggravated their actions must cause a permanent or long-term injury. If you are facing a domestic violence charge that involved a deadly weapon Contact a Criminal Lawyer to build your defense case.

Penalties for Domestic Violence: Domestic violence infractions, which are classified as simple assault incurs a jail sentence of six months or less. Offenders are required to pay a fine of $500. Any individual who is convicted of three simple assault charges linked to domestic violence is charged with a felony-based infraction and could spend up to ten years in prison. If the offender is charged with other charges applicable to traffic violations such as driving while intoxicate, he or she may need a DWI Defense Attorney as well.

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