Helpful Tips for Effective Business Lighting Wichita

by | May 19, 2016 | Electrical

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For quite a few people in the US, spending 40, or more, hours in their office is normal each week. However, the importance of the right lighting design for these spaces is often overlooked. Uninspiring, dull environments can result in workers who are also uninspired and not as productive as they could be. Some tips that will help with Business lighting wichita can be found here.

Throw Light

There are some offices that are designed using only direct light. While this type of design is considered “normal” it can make the space feel lifeless and flat. This is not an environment that will inspire greatness from workers. An alternative is throwing light on the ceiling and walls. This will help the room look bigger, brighter and not feel as claustrophobic.

Create Contrast

Circulation spaces and walkways require a fraction of the light needed in working areas. If a business owner creates contrast in the two areas, they will achieve a more dynamic and stimulating space.

Maximize Energy Savings

There is no question that having an energy efficient office is a top priority for business owners. One of the best ways to achieve this is by installing and using intelligent lighting controls. The most useful applications for an office space include Absence Detection and Daylight Dimming. For example, if an office receives quite a bit of natural light, chances are the overhead lighting does not need to be running at 100 percent all day long. The lights can be programmed to dim according to the amount of light coming into the space.

Also, many office workers may leave the space and forget to hit the switch. If there is no movement, smart detectors will see this and turn the lights off automatically. These two features alone can save quite a bit of money for business owners.

For businesses who are still looking for effective Business lighting wichita designs, consider the tips here. Knowing what to do with the space will help ensure workers are as productive as possible. Additional help and information is available by contacting the staff from Tracy Electric Inc.

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