Having a Tooth Filled by a Dentist in Manchester PA

by | Jan 21, 2014 | Dental Health

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Cavities are one of the most common reasons for a person to visit the dentist. Even someone who brushes their teeth twice a day may end up with a cavity or two at some point due to genetics. Tooth decay begins when plaque attacks the hard, protective enamel of the tooth. Once this happens, bacteria enters and slowly eats away at the tooth. A hole forms, that if left untreated, will continue to get larger. The good news is that any Dentist Manchester PA can remove the decay and seal the hole shut for good.

When a person says they are getting a tooth filled, it simply means that their Dentist Manchester PA is going to fill the cavity with a special material that will protect the tooth from further damage. Tooth fillings come in two materials, silver amalgam and tooth-colored composite. The amalgam fillings are the strongest of the two, and they are usually used for cavities on the biting surfaces of back teeth. These fillings also last a long time, with some still strong after 15 years. Composite fillings are more aesthetically pleasing. This material is tooth-colored, so it blends into the tooth. It works great on front teeth or the sides of back molars. Composite fillings, however, have a shorter life span, with 5-7 years being the average.

Before a filling can be placed, the Dentist Manchester PA must remove all decay that is present. He does this by drilling out the affected tooth material. The patient will be numbed before the procedure takes place. Once the decay is removed, the dentist will then clean the open cavity to completely sterilize the area. The filling material is then placed. Amalgam fillings dry on their own, but composite fillings must be cured with a special light. The bite of the patient will be adjusted before they are sent home. Some sensitivity may occur, but it should go away in a few days.

If your dentist at 1447 Dental Associates discovers a cavity during a routine exam, make sure to have it filled right away. Small cavities are easy to treat, but larger ones may require root canal therapy. The best way to prevent cavities is by practicing proper dental hygiene everyday.