Having a Fire Extinguisher in Des Moines is Not Enough

by | Sep 16, 2016 | Business

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The presence of a Fire Extinguisher in Des Moines, in either a home or business, is not enough to protect lives, assets, or even the building. An extinguisher alone is practically useless. Extinguishers have to be properly selected for the setting, and type of fire most likely to occur. There are some that are designed for electrical fires, for example, and some for chemical fires. Most homes have extinguishers that are designed for the common type of house fires. Specialized ones are used in factories, industrial settings, or commercial kitchens.

Once the right Fire Extinguisher in Des Moines is chosen, where it is placed is important. In average homes, it is a wise idea to have one in the kitchen, one on each floor, and one in the garage. The placement of extinguishers in commercial settings is usually dictated by oversight agencies that specialize in safety. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), for example, has regulations regarding extinguishers in the workplace. An extinguisher in a health care facility will not be of any help if staff have to go a long distance to find one. Maintenance and inspection schedules are also outlined in regulations. The penalties for non-compliance are high. Most businesses eliminate the possibility of forgetting about maintenance or losing track of when to schedule annual inspections, by signing maintenance contracts with experienced fire service companies.

Another component that is essential for the effective use of fire extinguishers is training. Staff have to be trained on the proper way to operate an extinguisher in order for it to be of any real use. In some businesses, that can be done in-house by training staff. A video is usually watched, and the basic movements are demonstrated. Annual review of the training is helpful since staff rarely have to use those skills. A refresher will help remind them of proper use. Those businesses that do not have training staff will have to seek out professional trainers from an experienced fire control company. Some companies will provide training at the business location, while others will hold classes at a training location. Businesses owners, or human resource managers, can go to website for information on extinguishers, training, and maintenance.