Have Jim Dhamer Plumbing Service Play A Role In Protecting Your Home

by | Apr 22, 2014 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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As a homeowner, you have numerous responsibilities in the maintenance of your home. Since spring has arrived, all these aspects come to light. You’re probably ready to go over your roof with a fine-toothed comb, making sure no shingles are curling or missing after the harsh winter weather took its toll. More than likely, you’ve got an HVAC specialist on his way to your home to make sure your heating and air conditioning system is in top shape. What about your plumbing system?


Although this is one of the most important systems in the home, the plumbing is often the most ignored, as well. Make an appointment with a professional from Jim Dhamer Plumbing Service to have your plumbing inspected. A number of issues could arise with your pipes, faucets, fixtures and appliances. Having a professional check these components could prevent a great deal of extensive damage in the future.


Minerals from hard water could build up in your pipes and spigots, causing corrosion of the internal mechanisms as well as damage to the pipes. A professional plumber can safely dismantle the hardware in your sinks, showers and bathtubs to reveal any issues lying underneath without causing damage to your faucets, knobs or levers. In some cases, a gentle cleaning may be all that is necessary, but these components may need to be replaced. The same is true of the gaskets or putty keeping water from seeping beneath the faucet into the very structure of your home.


Your technician from Jim Dhamer Plumbing Service will examine your water heater as well, making sure no mineral buildup has occurred and the elements are working as they should. If you live in a flood prone area, you are probably well aware of the importance of protecting your home from the incessant rainstorms of springtime. Consider having a sump pump installed in your basement during this annual plumbing inspection.


If you already have a primary sump pump in place, have it checked to ensure it is in working order. As an extra precautionary measure, you may want to ask the plumber about Back Up Sump Pumps in Downers Grove. You can’t be too careful if flooding is an issue in your area. Take care of your plumbing system, as well as your home, by having your plumbing inspected annually just as you would other facets of your home.