When someone heads onto Google to look up a local Japanese restaurant or find the best nightclub to dance at for the night, Google checks their location, search habits and the exact phrase they used, and then it runs an algorithm through the Internet to find indexed webpages that have parameters that match these needs.
Then, they sort the results based on a few known factors and other unknown quantifiers – most importantly, a website’s popularity, reputation, quality, and relevance.
From there, the customer takes a look at the results, and either picks something from the top three or five results, or makes their search a bit more specific.
As per Inc.com, the first page in a search result gets nine out of ten clicks. The art of getting that click for certain relevant keywords and key phrases is called search engine optimization. And it’s something your website needs.
Why SEO Matters
The simple reason is that everyone uses a search engine to find places on the web, and because of that, conforming your website to the standards of search engines is important.
There are other ways to find websites – seeing them linked on an expert’s blog or through a friend’s recommendation – but it’s a safe bet that Google is a big influence in how your clients find you. Getting on their good side matters.
How You Can Influence SEO
Cars are a very broad and popular interest on the Internet, so you’ll have a hard time beating the competition if you stick to something that broad. But if you focus your efforts on making your dealership the best in your town or county for selling cars, you’ve got a good shot at overcoming the competition.
All you need is the right auto dealership SEO services provider. There are plenty of companies out there, but choosing a specialist like iPitCrews or someone else in the automobile niche means you’ll have a better shot at working with someone who knows what they’re talking about when it comes to selling cars.