Get the Perfect Smile With General Dentists in Amarillo, Texas

by | Jan 28, 2014 | Dental Health

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People of all ages require quality dental care. Even when you get to the age where dentures are the best option, be certain you have selected the best general dentists Amarillo, Texas and the correct procedure for your needs. Of course, with dentures you only have a few options; use full dentures molded to fit your mouth or use an oral insert anchored similarly to dental implants for both safety and strength. For most people with dentures, the main disadvantage is how the dentures slip when talking or eating. When dentures slip during speech, you mostly go misunderstood, but when they slip during eating, things can get a get dangerous. Food can slip under the plates. If the food isn’t properly chewed, you can easily choke or puncture the soft tissue in your mouth with it.

Related to dentures is the dental implant. This dental process is used to fill gaps in the mouth from missing teeth. It is normally used for one to several teeth because the space the anchors can require make multiple implants dangerous to the jawbone. Implants work by placing titanium or another inert material as the stud secured into the jawbone. In cases where the jaw is a little weak, the dentist may opt for bone grafts to strengthen that part of the jaw. Once the stud is securely in place, the dentist will shape a replacement crown to fit over the stud. This method is not unique to simple tooth replacement, it has also been successfully used for securing bridgework and partial dentures. The use of implants makes both of these teeth replacement methods a much easier option for many people.

Another procedure often applied by General Dentists Amarillo, Texas is the dental whitening process. This is a simple chemical action performed on the teeth to remove stains built up on the enamel over time. The enamel is the top layer of the teeth that slowly wears down over the years. As it thins, it can show the slightly darker dentin underneath. Since there is currently no way to lighten the dentin itself, you have to settle for cleaning and lightening the enamel. You can find more information about these and other dental procedures that beautify your smile at website domain.