Get the Best Rates on Auto Loans, Apply in Elmhurst, Today

by | May 11, 2018 | Financial Services

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Applying for auto loans is a stressful task, but there are some things that can help you get the best rates. Before you apply for a loan in Elmhurst, consider the following:

Buy Used Instead of New

If you want a more affordable option, consider buying a used car instead of a new one. Generally, a used car is cheaper, and the odds are good that you can get a better rate when buying a used car instead of a new one. Though there are certainly other factors that go into it, you will almost always find a lower rate when comparing loans for new vs used cars.

Understand Your Credit Score

Another thing that can help you get a lower rate is to know your credit score. If you know this, you can use it to negotiate a better rate. If your credit score is low, try to improve your score before you apply for an auto loan. The better your score, the better your rates. Even if you have to take a couple of months to get your credit score up, it will certainly help you save money in the long run.

Put Down a Good Down Payment

Finally, make sure that you are considering a down payment. Though you don’t technically need a down payment, the more you put down, the better off you will be when it comes to your loan rate. When you put money down on the car, the less you have to finance. The less you have to finance, the lower your rate. Lenders also see your ability to put down a payment is proof that you have a good financial sense, and that you have the ability to be responsible. If you can, try to put 20% down for the best rates.

If you are ready to apply for auto loans, consider Leyden Credit Union near Elmhurst.