Get Rigid and Sturdy Lab Worktops from Epoxy Resin

by | Feb 8, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

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he most overlooked issues when designing or refurbishing a laboratory is the quality and flexibility of the work surfaces. This is interesting because it is the countertops that are one of the most important elements as they serve as the work spaces, support all of the costly gear and tools, and determine the ease with which experiments and tests are done. In the world of lab surfaces, it is the epoxy resin worktop that meets the greatest range of needs, and what we are going to address in this article.

What is so superior about an epoxy resin worktop? For years, an epoxy resin worktop was considered the standard choice and remains so because of its abilities to:

  • Withstand incredibly high heats

  • Resist damage due to exposure to chemicals

  • Offer water and fluid resistance

  • Withstand decades of wear and tear in the lab environment

  • Look new, even after many years of service

Crafted from an array of materials that are then poured into the desired frame and cured, they are always delivered and installed in solid slab form. It is an incredibly rigid material, which ensures that it stands up to pressures even if it is not installed on the most rugged cabinetry.

The epoxy resin worktops appear in almost every possible lab setting, including hospitals and medical facilities, research labs, educational facilities, microbiology and biomedical settings, industrial testing sites and more.

They are quite easy to clean and to care for and do not even require abrasive compounds to remove spills and other agents. Simply wiping them down with a non-abrasive cleaner is all that is required, though an occasional treatment with an oil-based soap or finish is effective.

Of course, among the many pros are a few cons where an epoxy resin worktop is concerned, and the most frequently heard complaint is that they are quite heavy. This creates an issue only when the counter is being shipped or delivered and installed, so that translates to no real or significant “cons” at all.

Designed to last for decades, epoxy resin countertops are an ideal choice for almost any lab.  buyers have an enormous range of options in worktops and lab equipment. Whether you need epoxy resin, stainless or other materials for your worktops, you can find it here along with the pegboards and other essentials so important to quality outcomes.