You worked hard to get your excellent credit rating and unfortunately, you must protect it from those who feel like it would be better for them to take your’s than to work as hard as you did to improve their own credit score. That is why your insurance company offers identity theft insurance. This kind of insurance will help you get your name and your good credit standing back without costing you thousands of dollars and countless hours of your time.
If someone fraudulently uses your name to obtain credit and defaults on the bill, the creditor will come to you first. It will be up to you to prove that you did not sign the documents. Often, while a victim of identity theft is trying to prove that they did not enter a contract, their credit score drops considerably. With a lower credit score, it will be harder for you to obtain legitimate credit. Many people in that situation hire an attorney to sort through the fraud and help resolve the matter. Being an identity theft victim can be very expensive.
A lesser known form of identity fraud involves using another person’s identification to receive medical treatment. If someone uses your insurance, your insurance company may deny your valid claims until you prove that you were not responsible for the charges.
Identity theft insurance provides the protection you need from the costs of being a victim. By working with an Insurance Company Scranton PA residents can purchase an inexpensive policy that will cover them for up to $25,000 in covered expenses related to identity theft, including attorney’s fees, lost wages and reimbursement for costs related to medical identity fraud and tax identity fraud. Your identity theft insurance will give you peace of mind that you will not have to incur additional expenses if you are ever victimized by an identity thief.
Identity fraud is one of the most common white collar crimes today. Taking steps to protect yourself, such as shredding documents with sensitive information and using secure passwords, is essential to reducing your chances of being a victim. To purchase a policy from an Insurance Company Scranton PA residents trust to keep their identity safe or for more information about identity theft and other insurance products.