Get Help From a Philadelphia Probation Violation Lawyer

by | Mar 19, 2014 | Law Services

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probation violation is a serious offense that should be avoided at all costs. If you do find yourself in violation of your probation, it is important you understand your rights and hire a Philadelphia probation violation lawyer to assist you. There are many reasons your probation can be violated. Understanding these different reasons can help you to be prepared, so you can avoid a violation. While under probation, it is imperative you follow all of the guidelines set forth in your probation agreement. Should you violate your probation, serious penalties can result. What are the Most Common Reasons for Probation Violation?

*      Failure to appear for a scheduled court appearance at the correct date and time

*     Failure to report to your probation officer when you are scheduled

*     Travelling outside of the state

*     Being in the company of felons

*     The use is, sale, or possession of illegal drugs

*     Committing a crime

*     Arrest

Different states require different penalties for probation violation. Depending on the degree of your violation and whether or not you have had previous violations, you could be facing fines, increased probation time and jail time. Through the help of a Philadelphia probation violation lawyer, you can make sure your rights are protected and that you get the best outcome possible. Though no legal situation can ever be offered a guarantee, having a Philadelphia criminal lawyer working on your side can make a big difference.

In working with your lawyer, make sure you follow your lawyer’s guidance and show up for any court appearances or meetings that are scheduled. This will assist your lawyer in being better able to represent you throughout your violation case. Your lawyer will do all that is possible to help you avoid jail time, but this may not be possible. When you meet with your lawyer, he or she will be able to give you further information on what you can expect in your case. If you have found yourself in violation of your probation, visit website. They will be glad to represent you in your case and will help you through the entire process, working to ensure you get the best outcome available.