Gas Fireplace Heaters Provide Multiple Benefits

by | Jan 4, 2019 | Fireplace Store

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If you are ready to enhance the look of your home and add warmth and just a touch of a button, consider gas fireplace heaters. These units are also referred to as direct vent gas fireplaces. You can obtain excellent results in terms of comfort and warmth, in addition to heating efficiency with one or more of these units installed in your home.


Through the use of a convenient remote control, you can switch these units on off easily. They provide convenient heat and fill your living spaces with cozy warmth.

Heating Efficiency

Wood-burning fireplaces of the past cannot come close to the efficiency provided by modern gas fireplace heaters. Those old units allowed a great percentage of the heat generated to be dispersed up through the chimney or lost into the surrounding chimney structure. However, direct vent fireplaces retain a whopping 70 percent of the heat produced inside the room, so that everyone can enjoy as much heat as possible and great efficiency. These units dispel harmful gases through a duct to the outside air. The efficiency provided through these units can help you lower your heating bills, enabling you to minimize the use of your central furnace for heat.

Safe for the Family

The entire family can enjoy the heat generated from a direct vent unit very shortly after the unit is turned on. As well, these units operate differently than the old-fashioned fireplaces that emitted flying sparks through the metal grate. The maintenance and cleanup required with the old-style fireplaces is not present with modern gas fireplace heaters.

Efficient and Fast Installation

The installation of fireplace gas heaters can be done efficiently and quickly by professional installation team. It is also easy to have your existing old-fashioned wood-burning fireplace upgraded to a modern direct vent fireplace unit.

If you are ready to upgrade your interior decor with a modern gas fireplace unit, there are various options available in terms of colors and styles to maximize your preferences. You can achieve an optimum combination of comfort, function, and visual appearance all at the same time with a new gas fireplace unit.