Frequently Asked Questions About Regulations That Apply To Elevator Maintenance In Washington, DC

by | Nov 4, 2016 | Construction and Maintenance

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In the District of Columbia, all properties that use elevators or elevation systems must complete with federal safety regulations. These regulations define the maintenance and servicing requirements according to the type of device installed. The following are frequently asked questions about regulations that apply to Elevator Maintenance in Washington DC.

Is a Certification of Operation Necessary and What is It?

The certificate is awarded to companies once their elevator installation passes its inspection. Each year, all elevators must undergo safety inspections to identify any risks. All property owners are required to complete all known maintenance and repair services prior to the inspection. If the inspector discovers any safety hazards, the property owner must take steps to repair the elevator to pass additional inspections. The certificate is valid for one year.

What is an Elevator Permit?

An elevator permit is not the same as a certificate of operation. The permit is issued to allow the installation of the elevator in the commercial property and to give permission for repairs required by the inspector. The property owner needs to utilize the services of an elevator contractor to acquire the permit.

What Systems Require the Certificate of Operation?

The certificate of operation is needed for all installations that elevate. They include but are not limited to elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, stairway lifts, and any limited access devices used for these purposes. The commercial property owner acquires the certificate based on local regulations.

How Long Does the Building Owner have to Correct Damage or Errors?

After the elevator fails the inspection, the property owner has a window of ninety days to complete repairs and maintenance services. A licensed contractor must complete the services and submit a report to the appropriate agency. If the property owner doesn’t comply with this deadline, they are subject to fines and penalties. If they operate the elevator without proper certification, the county can shut down their building completely.

In the District of Columbia, property owners avoid serious penalties by remaining compliant with state and federal regulations. To remain compliant, they must complete inspections and proper maintenance requirements. Property owners who need Elevator Maintenance in Washington DC contact Elevator Technologies Inc. today.