Your taxes are one of the most important financial obligations you have every year. That’s why it is important for you to work with a good tax consultant in Atlanta, GA.
Based upon a tax consultant’s advice, these are four common mistakes to avoid eto remain in ideal financial shape through the years.
Neglecting to File Your Tax Return
Not filing your tax return in time can have some severe consequences. Filing your tax return late can make you subject to fines and penalties that can really add up over time if your tax debt is high.
Additionally, there are potentially criminal penalties that go along with not filing your income tax return. That is why it’s so important to file a return on schedule.
Failing to Plan Ahead for Your Tax Liability
You don’t want to owe a large amount of money for taxes at the end of the year that you are unable to pay. Planning can help you avoid any unpleasant surprises. Work with a knowledgeable tax consultant in Atlanta, GA, and discuss with him or her what your expected tax liability could be so that you can plan ahead and start saving for it.
Forgetting to Report Some of Your Income
You will need to know if you are going to owe taxes on every type of income you bring in. If you forget to report or don’t report a particular type of income, you owill owe taxes on it down the road plus interest.
Being Unaware of All Possible Deductions
Any personal deduction you can add on to your tax return will save you money. A reputable accountant will be aware of any deductions you are eligible for and discuss them with you before it is time to file your taxes.