Four Precautions to Take After Vision Correction Surgery in Colorado Springs CO

by | Aug 26, 2015 | Eye Care

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Vision can start to go out for a number of reasons, from experiencing a laceration to simply aging and losing clarity in the eyes. While not all vision loss can be repaired, there is a surgery that can help some visual problems. Vision Correction Surgery in Colorado Springs CO area requires proper recovery time before the effects will take place.

Arrange a Driver

It is necessary for those having the surgery to arrange for a driver to pick them up from the center where the procedure was performed. For the first day or two after surgery, vision will be almost completely blurred. A driver needs to take the patient home because they will not be able to see to do so themselves.

Avoid Generic Eye Drops

The surgeon will prescribe special eye drops to be used after surgery. Some may avoid filling their prescription, thinking they can simply buy the generic brand instead. This is not ideal, as generic eye drops or only meant for itchy or watery eyes. They are not created for eyes that were just operated on, and can cause harmful effects. Only a prescribed eye drop should be used during this time.

Throw Away Make-Up

Make-up that has been sitting around for sometime often contains bacteria. Applying eye makeup to recently corrected eyes can have harmful results. Any partially used make-up should be tossed out and new, unopened products should be used instead. For the first week, however, no make-up should be worn on the eyes at all.

Always Wear Sunglasses Outdoors

For up to the year after the surgery has been completed, it is recommended to wear sunglasses anytime people are outdoors. This is especially necessary if the sun is shining. Bright sunlight is already harmful to the eyes, and eyes that have undergone surgery are susceptible to scarring if sunlight disturbs them.

Vision Correction Surgery in Colorado Springs CO needs to be carefully planned. There are several precautions to take in order to ensure the recovery process goes smoothly, starting from having another person drive the patient home. For up to year after surgery, some precautions are still necessary for those who wish to keep their newly corrected eyes in good shape.

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