Four Essential Elements for Building a Better Team

by | Jan 23, 2018 | Sports And Games

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If you are after a championship, you’ll need to know how to build a better team. Talent is beneficial, especially for winning, but just because you have all the talent, doesn’t mean they will be the most successful together. Talent without teamwork just spells trouble. Here are four components for building a competitive, and successful team.


Commitment may be the largest contributor to the success of a team. It separates the mediocre player from those who go for it all. It can make the difference when going through obstacles or adversity. It helps spur hard work on the part of members and coaches alike. Even individual choices can demonstrate a person’s level of commitment to the goal.


There’s never enough said about effective communication, it is essential. Communication should reach past the sidelines. Communicating outside play and practice times can help players perform better on the field. Collaboration is key to winning in games as well as in life. Learning how to communicate with teammates, and helping them communicate with one another is part of learning how to build a better team.

Common Goals

Having a common goal is all about having a single focus. For sports teams, the most obvious goal is to win the championship. The team sets the goal together and reaches for it collectively. It is not obtained through individual effort alone. Effective coaching means moving each person toward their personal goals while staying within the framework of the team’s goal.


Building champions requires spending more time together than just the time on the field. As a group, each member must learn to respect and genuinely like one another. There needs to be more interest in each other outside of scheduled game and practice times. Going to the movie or just hanging out can offer ways to socialize tighter and becoming involved in each other’s lives.

Are you ready to learn how to build a better team, both on and off the field? Visit the Coach Slow website to learn how we can help you build champions.