For the Best Looking Yard Look for the Best Compost in Hartford, CT

by | Nov 30, 2013 | Compost

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In order for your home to look its best on the outside, you need to take the time to have it landscaped in the correct manner. While some people do not have the time or skills in order to complete the job themselves, and hire a landscaping company to do so for them, other people enjoy being able to create their dream yard from scratch. With the right materials and tools, and plenty of time, it is possible to have a stunning yard that you can be proud of.

Finding the best Compost in Hartford, CT means looking at the selection at Dunning Sand. This local company provides a welcome service to the entire area. In order to be able to provide the nutrient rich compost that the residents of Hartford needed and demanded, the company takes leaves from residents, municipalities, gardeners and landscapers. They established long windrows that are designed to compost the leaves. Each windrow is turned over every few weeks in order to hasten the composting process. Though this process is not quick, it can take six to twelve months for leaves to turn to mulch, the result is a beautiful and rich compost that is perfect for every gardening project.

Since beginning this program in 2011, this company has been able to provide the area of Hartford with thousands of cubic meters of fine composting material that is designed to make the yards and lawns of the area’s businesses and homes look their very best. Of course, with these huge piles of leaves comes the runoff that occurs during periods of rain. Dunning Sand is a company that is forward facing and they have addressed this issue. They installed a special drain system that is designed to catch the runoff from the leaves. The pad in which the leaves lay as they turn to compost is made from wood collected from the New Britain Avenue reconstruction project that occurs during the summer of 2011. While Farmington enjoyed a new road, the entire city was able to enjoy the fruits of the new recycling venture in gardening.