Food Service Providers: What’s Driving This Trend?

by | Sep 1, 2016 | Food Service

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As a corporation, you are faced with different demands on your time and skills. While it may not seem to be a high priority, the ability to provide employees with first class food is increasingly becoming a significant indicator of a good corporate culture. While several options are available from which to choose, hiring food service providers is one of the best existing alternatives.

What Is a Food Service Provider?

A food service provider is a company that works with a corporation, individual, group or institution to provide them with the various food services they or it needs. The food services company may take over the dining facilities. It may work in the kitchens or it may cater in the menu. Depending upon the contract the food service company holds, the services provided may include everything from purchasing the raw materials to produce the food items on site to purchasing the food elsewhere and bringing it in already prepared.

Changing Image – Changing Demands

Today, the older image of institutionalized food is disappearing slowly. Instead of cardboard stale and bland over processed food, service companies are offering higher quality dining menus. They are being given the chance to select fresh and locally grown items prepared on site by professional chefs. Increasingly food service providers are looking at their role in providing meals for corporations in a new light. They are now considering such aspects as:

 * Freshness
 * Locally grown and/or produced
 * Home-made food
 * Greater choice
 * High quality items
 * Emphasis on healthy and nutritional choices
 * Sustainability
 * Waste reduction if not elimination
 * Environmental stewardship

These characteristics appeal to Millenniums. This generation thinks about their health and the consequences of neglecting it. They read labels and ask questions. At the same time, they enjoy food and are not to be fobbed off with bland food that is classified as healthy. In general, Americans are becoming more health conscious.

Corporate Benefits

Behind the selection of the right food service provider is an emerging corporate culture that realizes that lunches, snacks and other meals are like bargaining chips. Not only may it be less expensive to hire a corporate food service provider, it may be beneficial in other ways. The dining facilities, and what they offer, may actually be an attractive benefit. In addition, research also indicates the right meal dining environment – whether cafeteria or cozy work space, can encourage team building and engage employees.

Food Service Providers

A food service provider is a specialist in the latest trends of dining and food. They know what will best attract Millenniums and help to engage their interest. By working with the corporation, food service providers can ensure the interests of both employees and the corporation are served successfully, efficiently and cost-effectively.