Five Ways to Misuse your Personal Prophecy

by | Jan 24, 2014 | Society

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rsonal prophecies can sometimes be misread or misused once you receive them. Here are five common mistakes people can make when they receive their free personal prophecy:

1. Receiving and Not Acting:
When you receive a free personal prophecy it is then your responsibility to act on that prophecy. You must consider the words and what God’s message is to you. You then must consider how you can work towards making your prophecy come true. It is not telling you the future. Instead it is directing you on the work that is yet to come and that you must perform.
2. Replacing Prophecy with God’s Word: It is important to remember that a prophecy is not a new lesson from God so to speak. Instead it is intended to offer input into how you can live as God intends you to live. You must then use God’s teachings and the lessons taught in the scriptures to continue to lead your life down this new path.
3. Accepting Fate and Destiny: Many people make the mistake of misreading a free personal prophecy as destiny that cannot be changed. It is your choice to read the prophecy and pray for guidance on how best to follow God’s wishes through his work. You must take responsibility and decide how best to lead your life. Do not allow yourself to be misdirected to follow only one path that might not be in the best interest of God, your self or the world in general.
4. Misconstruing Prophecy: Often people will sit in church and hear the sermon and determine there is a personal message for them. This is not a personal prophecy but instead it is the word of God intended for all who follow him. A personal prophecy is given to your directly with a path and work intended for your purposes to ultimately perform God’s work.
5. Changing the Prophecy: It is not acceptable to try to read into a prophecy and skew it to work in your best interests. Personal prophecies are intended to lead a just and honest life, not to provide a crutch for weakness or sin.

The easiest way to find your personal prophecy is seeking a Free Personal Prophecy that is offered to you without any ties or implications.

If you are interested in a free personal prophecy visit domain . They can provide you with a free reading online to help you understand your purpose.