Filing a Lawsuit with Auto Accident Attorneys in Yelm WA

by | Jun 5, 2014 | Law Services

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Studies show over six million car accidents occur each year and if you are involved in one it can be costly. The key to recovering your losses will rest in hiring auto accident attorneys in Yelm WA to provide legal counsel.


Consulting with an Attorney
The first thing you will want to do when filing a lawsuit is to consult with an attorney. This is the time to tell your case and give the details of the accident.
The attorney can then determine if you have a strong enough case to file a lawsuit.


Filling a Lawsuit
If your auto accident attorneys in Yelm WA feel you have a strong case, you can begin filing a lawsuit. This will involve listing the allegations and charges against the defending party and being prepared to prove these in a court of law.


Once an attorney prepares a lawsuit, it will be filed on the defendant and a response must be provided within thirty days. It is important for the defendant to respond to each charge that is made against him or her.


The Discovery Process
A key part of any lawsuit involves the discovery process. This is a lengthy process that will involve a number of questions that the plaintiff and defendant must answer thoroughly and concisely.


Listed below are the four parts of discovery:


1. Written interrogatories
2. Deposition
3. Request for admission statements
4. Request for production documents
By working closely with Putnam Lieb Potvin, you can learn the details involved in the discovery process.


Every lawsuit is required to be mediated by the plaintiff and defendant to attempt to settle the case. If the case is settled it will be dismissed and avoid further litigation. In the event, the case is not settled it will continue to a court of law. The method in which the case will be tried is solely based on how the lawsuit was filed by the plaintiff.


Finally, by retaining the legal services of auto accident attorneys in Yelm WA at Putnam Lieb Potvin you can have the advice needed to work to recover your losses.