Filing A Claim For Traumatic Brain Injury With A Personal Injury Lawyer In Waukee, IA

by | Nov 21, 2019 | Personal Injury

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In Iowa, traumatic brain injuries occur due to a variety of events covered under personal injury law. Auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, and medical malpractice are common case types involving the brain injuries. A personal injury lawyer in Waukee, IA explains details about the cases and helps victims or their families file a lawsuit.

Detrimental Changes in Personality

Traumatic brain injuries cause a detrimental change in personality for some patients. The sudden change makes the individual behave like a completely different person. For some, the changes lead to violent behaviors that are harmful to them and their families.

Long-Term Medical Care Expenses

Long-term medical care expenses are common for patients with traumatic brain injuries. Some individuals must enter into a nursing home facility for 24-hour care. The costs are overwhelming for the family and present them with serious financial hardships. Families who incur the excessive costs seek compensation through a personal injury claim.

Delayed Discovery of Further Brain Injuries

Delayed discovery is another factor that comes into play with a traumatic brain injury. Due to the excessive swelling of the brain, it is often difficult for doctors to locate all injuries. The delayed discovery ruling provides an extension of the statute of limitations. Typically the statute is no longer than three years for patients to file legal claims. However, delayed discovery restarts the statute and gives the victim more time.

Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Any victims who die due to a traumatic brain injury present their families with a chance to file a wrongful death lawsuit. The lawsuits help families get compensation for medical and funeral expenses for the victim. Some tort-based awards are also available through the proceedings, such as pain and suffering and mental anguish.

In Iowa, traumatic brain injuries cause serious personality changes that could be highly detrimental to families. Long-term care costs present financial hardships for families and makes it impossible for them to afford treatment. Delayed discovery provides victims with an extension of the statute of limitations. Wrongful death lawsuits are filed when a victim dies due to their injuries. Victims who need legal assistance contact a personal injury lawyer in Waukee IA or learn more about us right now.