Experience Better Service With Professional Moving Companies in Irvine CA

by | Apr 25, 2020 | Movers

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There is both an art as well as a science to providing a top notch moving service. Professional moving companies that have the team in place to support their customers, provide the services needed as well as get the move done at an affordable price are a real find.

What many consumers don’t realize is that not all moving companies are geared towards providing a quality professional service. Just look online at many of the moving company feedback pages and you will find scores of very unhappy customers dealing with extensive damage, lost or stolen belongings, late deliveries or any number of other complaints.

The good news is that this is a minority of movers out there and they tend to be companies that don’t have experience or that operate for a short time and then shut down. Of course, they often start back up again under a new name, which is why there are some important factors to look for when choosing a mover.

Experience Does Count

There is nothing wrong with a company offering any service that is just getting started. However, for a long distance move, this poses unique issues for the customer.

A new company is less likely to have a network of agent offices across the country to be able to coordinate both loading and unloading services by trained professional movers. These companies often rely on day labor or part-time employees.

Additionally, with an experienced mover, it is easy to find online reviews and information about the company in Irvine CA. These reviews should be verified as actual customers of the moving company. Look for an overall pattern of positives with an experienced company that puts customer service at the center of what they do.

Experienced companies will also be fully licensed and insured. Often the very new moving companies are not licensed or insured, particularly for long distance moves. This can create a very real risk in being able to collect on any damage that may occur during the move from these uninsured and unlicensed companies.

Training of Staff

Look for moving companies using only trained movers and packers like All Century Moving. This is important as there are techniques and special types of packing materials that are used to protect different items.

Movers should wrap furniture and secure the load in the truck. This will be over and above using the correct packing techniques for boxing and packing breakablses and fragile items.

By using professional moving services, you won’t have to worry about your possessions making it safely to your destination. It will take the stress and worry out of what can be a difficult day if you don’t hire an experienced moving company.

Call professional moving services, All Century Moving for a quote today! Visit Facebook for more details.