Evaluating Your Business With A Dispensary Assessment

by | Jan 17, 2020 | Cannabis

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As a dispensary owner, it can be difficult to determine how your business ranks with other similar businesses in your area, as well as how it stacks up to the leading dispensaries across the county.

Working with a top industry company that provides dispensary assessment or evaluation services can be a very simple, effective, and efficient way to make the necessary adjustments to go from a good business opportunity to a top dispensary. The assessment is really the first step in the process, establishing areas for future improvement and development to grow the business.

Dispensary Assessment Findings

Different companies providing a dispensary assessment may offer a variety of findings or evaluation points within the process. Ideally, look for a service that specializes in supporting businesses and business owners in the cannabis industry. As this is a relatively new and evolving market, specialized consultant services with industry experience are critical to establishing your place in the market.

Most reports or evaluations for a dispensary assessment break down the operation into a variety of categories. This can include compliance with legal requirements based on the state laws for cannabis dispensaries, as well as employee training and knowledge, inventory and product options for customers, and the marketing strategies currently in use.

Companies or services offering these types of evaluations should also provide consulting services and marketing support services. This allows the dispensary owner to work closely with the service provider to implement the changes or to address any deficits in the business found in the assessment process.