Eliminating the Fear of Dental Surgery in Midlothian, VA with In-Office Sedation

by | Jan 17, 2014 | Dental Health

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These days, people no longer need to fear going to the dentist. It is not nearly as terrifying as it once was, and in fact, visits can actually be rather pleasant, especially when one knows that they are going to leave with a terrific looking smile. At one time, if someone required major dental work, such as a root canal, they would have one of two choices: have a local anesthetic or freezing in the dentist’s office, and still feel a great deal of pain during the procedure; or, they could go to a hospital and have actual surgery with general anesthesia. Today, there are many more options that are a lot easier for patients.

Different types of medications are used when patients are undergoing dental surgery in Midlothian, VA. The three main types are oral, inhalation, and intravenous sedation. Dentists and patients consult to decide the best course of treatment for sedations. Some people don’t need it, while others have great dental fears and prefer to be completely sedated for surgeries. Often, oral medications are prescribed for patients to take prior to the procedures they are having done. This helps them to relax, and is ideal for procedures that are going to take some time to perform. Unlike sedation, patients are aware of what is going on at all times.

For those who wish to be more relaxed but not totally sedated, nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is often used. This inhaled gas doesn’t put patients to sleep, but it makes them extremely relaxed, to the point of not really caring what is going on around them. This is an ideal choice for patients who are driving themselves, because the effects wear off as soon as the patients are breathing regular air.

One more type of sedation for dental surgery in Midlothian, VA is intravenous sedation. Patients are extremely relaxed, and often end up sleeping through procedures. They must have a responsible person with them following the operation, as it takes a while for the effects to wear off. The type of sedation used will depend on the patient, and the type of procedure they are having done.