Driving Distractions to Avoid to Keep Low Premium Rates With an Auto Insurance Company

by | Dec 27, 2016 | Insurance

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People with a safe driving record have a much easier time finding reasonable rates from an Auto Insurance Company than drivers who have caused collisions or received citations for traffic offenses. Insurers know that one of the main issues related to accidents is distracted driving. Although relatively new technology tends to get the blame for distracted driving in the 21st Century, this has always been a problem for drivers. It can be difficult to pay consistent attention to the road and other vehicles in the immediate area when the driver’s mind is on something else.

Texting behind the wheel has become a serious problem, as it’s very dangerous behavior. Texting while driving is illegal in Ohio, and law enforcement officials can cite drivers for the activity even if they don’t cause an accident. That citation typically leads to higher premiums from an Auto Insurance Company. Also, simply the act of holding a cell phone and having a conversation also is connected with higher accident rates than using hands-free devices or talking with a passenger in the car.

More traditional ways of becoming distracted also result in drivers rear-ending vehicles in front of them, running red lights, and crossing the center line. Somebody who is trying to eat a messy lunch may have difficulty concentrating on traffic. Changing CDs in the player and searching for a radio station that isn’t programmed into the system are other reasons drivers cause accidents. Drivers do all sorts of things they shouldn’t be doing when behind the wheel, including reading maps, brushing their hair, and looking at their dogs in the back seat. Spilling hot coffee or dropping a lit cigarette can result in a much bigger problem as the driver tries to manage the situation.

The best solutions for maintaining low automotive insurance rates include being a safe driver and obtaining quotes from an independent agent with a company like Schlather Insurance Agency. This type of agency provides quotes from a variety of insurers, so it’s easy to make comparisons for similar coverage. Interested individuals may visit for more information or check out the agency’s Facebook page.