Do Paper Towels Still Compete with Hand Dryers?

by | Feb 20, 2017 | Building Materials

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Comparing all the facts concerning the price of purchase, the cost of electricity, maintenance and the removal of waste, Dyson hand dryers are more effective at reducing your costs and improving your bottom line profits, than offering hand towels in your bathroom areas.

Environmentally Sound

While some individuals may argue that the cost of electricity is to the detriment of the environment unless your organization is powered by solar, chopping down trees and transporting enormous numbers of paper towels across the globe is an expensive issue. Chemicals are often involved in the manufacturing process for paper towels, and someone within your organization must become responsible for ordering the stock and replacing the items before the container becomes empty.

There is far less waste when your organization uses Dyson hand dryers, compared to paper towels, which are often thrown and miss the intended container. Unless the paper towels are made from recyclable paper, they may still end up in landfill space, rather than being recycled again.

Which Is the Most Hygienic?

Paper towels are not as hygienic as Dyson hand dryers in operation. You do not have to touch a hand dryer as sensors will start and finish the machine when your hands are in the most suitable location.

While many individuals avoid restroom door handles and any bathroom furniture, there is the possibility that some visitors may touch the hand dryers, potentially passing bacteria from one location to another. However, if you are the next person that does not touch the machinery, the bacteria will not pass to you.

Some individuals will argue that hand dryers blow dirty air all over the restroom. While you cannot see most bacteria, you would not know if it was being blown in your direction or generally around the room.

If the hair dryers are opened, serviced and cleaned regularly, they will not present a health hazard, particularly when you consider that some Dyson hand dryers are fitted with a HEPA filter to make the movement of air far cleaner than the air moving naturally in the restroom area.