A visit to the dentist has never been music to anyone’s ears. Most people would rather not visit the dentist for any reason. However, Sedation dentistry in Chanhassen put the patients at ease as they do not have to be conscious of what is going on. It also saves time and makes the dentists work easier as there will be no moving and resistance from the patient.
Sedation dentistry is the process that dentists use to put the patient in a calm, easy and relaxed condition through the help of sedatives. Anybody can undergo sedation dentistry, but it is more suitable for individuals who: cannot sit still, fear needles, fear dental visits, have gag reflex, and those with sensitive teeth. Dentists have the following sedation options for you.
Oral Sedation
Oral Sedation is among the most common Sedation Dentistry in Chanhassen. The patient is given the sedative orally which puts him in a relaxed state throughout the dental procedure. The drug, halcyon, is taken one hour prior to the dental procedure. The drug does not make the patient unconscious but rather makes them drowsy and relaxed. Before you take the drug, the dentist will first check your vital signs just to make sure that you are a qualified candidate for sedation.
IV Sedation Dentistry
Works like oral sedation, but it produces deeper calmness compared to oral sedation. The drug is given intravenously by use of a needle. One of the benefits of IV dentistry compared to oral sedation is that it takes effect more quickly.
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous Oxide is also known as laughing gas. It helps stop anxiety and puts the patient in a more relaxed mode.
General Anesthesia
This type of sedation dentistry in Chanhassen is the best option for individuals who are excessively nervous to go through any dental procedure. The drug makes them completely unconscious and unaware of what is going on.
Apart from general anesthesia, all the other forms of sedation will require the use of local anesthetic to keep the patient from feeling pain. Since it is administered through needles, dentist can use various methods to calm the patient before injecting them. For more information about sedation Dentistry in Chanhassen, visit.