Having debts and being unable to pay your bills on time can be very stressful. Even though you may be going through a difficult time, it is against the law for debt collectors to engage in unfair or deceptive practices. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was enacted by Congress to prevent debt collectors from harassing consumers. When debt collectors are attempting to obtain payment from a consumer, they are required to comply with the FDCPA. If they violate federal or state laws, you could be entitled to receive financial restitution.
Reasons for Debt Collection Abuse
When a creditor has spent an extensive amount of time unsuccessfully attempting to retrieve payment of a debt, they may decide to transfer the debt to a collection agency. Some debt collectors choose to be intimidating and aggressive because their income is partially affected by how much money they get from consumers. They may also assume that most people don’t know their rights so they will use abusive language, falsely claim they have filed a lawsuit or utilize other fear tactics to convince them to pay the debt as soon as possible. A Chicago consumer rights lawyer can evaluate your situation and explain your legal options.
Consumer Rights Under FDCPA
According to the FDCPA, debt collectors are expected to behave in a manner that is respectful and unobtrusive when they are communicating with consumers. Debt collectors are also required to provide information that will enable you to either pay the debt or dispute its validity. When a debt collection agency behaves unethically, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit and seek damages.
FDCPA Violations
There are numerous ways that debt collectors violate the FDCPA on a regular basis. Common examples of illegal conduct include:
- Trying to collect payment for a debt that was discharged in bankruptcy.
- Contacting your family members, friends, and co-workers and notifying them of the debt you owe.
- Debt collectors continue to call even though you notified them in writing to stop calling.
- The debt collection agency refuses to submit proof that you owe a debt or that the right to collect payment for the debt was legally transferred to them.
Contact a Chicago Consumer Rights Lawyer
Harassment and abuse from debt collectors should not be tolerated. Attorneys at Zimmerman Law Offices are dedicated to representing and protecting the rights of people who have been subjected to unfair business practices. Schedule a consultation with a Chicago consumer rights lawyer at Zimmerman Law Officesby going to AttorneyZim.com and filling out the contact form.