Dealing with Wastewater in Kansas to Better the Environment

by | May 25, 2016 | Business

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Industry is the foundation of the modern global economy. Every step from the collection of raw materials to consumer goods sold adds to the economy. However, the byproduct of these goods can be quite harmful to the environment and surrounding communities. Nearly every industry produces some sort of wastewater. Mining companies’ wastewater comes from the use of water to help the extracting and processing of certain ores. Natural gas companies use pressurized water to fracture shale rocks and as a solvent to carry the gas to the surface. Manufacturing companies often use water in making new products which is contaminated by the process. All this water leaves the industry as polluted and dangerous wastewater.

Wastewater management has been a major problem in the history of the industry. A hundred years ago the thought of environmental protection wasn’t in our minds. Because of this many practices just dumped their wastewater directly into lakes and rivers because they didn’t know the effects that it would have on their health. When wastewater enters a body of water, it can kill the ecosystem and even enter the water supply of cities. An example of this would be the water crises of Flint, Michigan. Wastewater containing caustic chemicals entered the water system and degraded old lead pipes, so water that people were drinking was filled with chemicals and lead. These problems can arise anywhere; industrial practices could be dumping their Wastewater in Kansas for all we know. To avoid being in the limelight from a major wastewater scandal, many industries will hire a disposal firm such as the company at . A disposal company will supervise the correct handling, storage, or disposal of wastewater by federally approved methods.

With so many industries in the world, today wastewater management is a major concern when it comes to the future of the environment. In the business world, money is king so some companies might prefer to risk being caught in order to avoid costs. If you see a company that is deliberately or accidentally dumping Wastewater in Kansas or anywhere else to first thing to do is to get away from the area and contact the authorities.