Creating Crucially Important Checklist Boards

by | Oct 13, 2021 | Uncategorized

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All medical personnel are well aware that clear and concise information is critical in surgery. One company out in the marketplace specializes in the design and manufacture of a patented operating room safety checklist that is proving to be of immeasurable benefit to all personnel that must access vital information within the checklist.

The operating room safety checklist is used by medical personnel every day to keep track of important tasks that need to be done. It may not be any more important to a person’s life than that checklist which doctors and nurses live by as they go about their often complex and complicated tasks in surgery. These checklists provide a valuable backup to human memory, often of critical importance when precious moments count the most.

With input from practitioners and healthcare workers throughout the United States, these new checklist boards dramatically improve patient safety by helping to reduce errors. Outside of the operating room, effective checklists are specifically designed for and used in:

  • Pre-Op and Time Out
  • Ambulatory Surgery
  • OB
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Cath Lab
  • Eye Surgery
  • Communication and Scheduling
  • Endoscopy
  • Other Designs

In terms of composition, checklist boards are made of 1/4 clear acrylic and are available in various sizes. Careful consideration goes into each specific checklist, as all departments and procedures have their own unique array of information to reference.

Boards are delivered completely assembled. They can be mounted on a wall, a door, or a cart, and can be designed to be portable.

Checklist Boards brings all this to medical facilities. They can be checked out at Checklist Boards.