In Florida, veterans of foreign wars face difficulties based on how they were discharged from the military. Honorable discharges provide them with access to certain services and benefits. If they were discharged due to medical reasons, they have access to monetary benefits based on a disability-based percentage. When they are denied these benefits, they need Veterans Affairs Lawyers in Port St. Lucie FL to help them.
Fighting for Disability Benefits
Veterans are entitled to disability benefits due to physical or mental conditions that hinder their lives. However, to acquire a military-based disability, they must have developed the condition during active duty or while performing job duties designed by the military. These disability benefits are paid according to the percentage in which the soldier is disabled. This percentage defines the total value of the monetary benefits they receive. When soldiers are denied these benefits, they need to take immediate legal action.
Access to Medical Care for Veterans
A denial of disability may present difficulties for former military personnel from acquiring medical care for these conditions. While they are entitled to Tri-Care, the denial of a disability may limit the type of care they receive. For this reason, the soldier must take legal action to prove the existence of a disability to acquire adequate care for this condition. To start their claim, they must acquire all medical records produced throughout their military career.
Presenting Evidence of Controversial Conditions
Veterans with conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may face greater difficulty in proving that they possess the condition. While it has become even more relevant today among veterans, the denial of the seriousness of the condition remains constant. Veterans are facing stricter requirements for evidence to prove their diagnosis. For this reason, they need legal assistance immediately upon a denial.
In Florida, veterans of foreign wars have every right to disability benefits and medical care. However, in some cases, Veteran’s Affairs continue to deny access to these benefits. When this happens, the veterans must take action to fight for their rights. Veterans who need help contact Veterans Affairs Lawyers in Port St. Lucie FL at Matheson Horowitz & Devonmille today.