Common Questions Regarding Dentures in Seattle

by | Feb 17, 2014 | Dental Health

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Dentures are a type of artificial substitute for a person’s natural teeth, as well as any of the surrounding tissue. There are a number of types of different dentures, which range from a total set that will replace all of the other teeth, to only partial dentures that are specifically designed to serve as a replacement for just a few of your missing teeth. All of these options are under the denture category.

Advantages of Dentures in Seattle

There are a number of advantages offered by dentures, compared to leaving the missing teeth or having teeth that are in your mouth. Some of these benefits include the fact that dentures help to keep the muscles in your face from sagging, which may cause you to look older. Additionally, you will have the ability to speak clearly and eat your favorite foods, which is something that a number of people do not realize the benefit of until their teeth are gone.

Another benefit, which is perhaps the most appealing for some, is the fact that you will once again be able to smile with confidence. While not every person will require dentures during their lifetime, those that need them can benefit greatly when they finally receive them.

Types of Dentures Provided by Integrative Dentistry in Seattle

When you make the decision that dentures are the right option for you, there are four different distinct types to choose from.

Complete Dentures

The majority of people thinks about dentures and pictures a complete set. This is a full replacement for each one of your natural teeth.

Immediate Dentures

These are put in use directly after a tooth extraction in order to provide a temporary set for the tissue after and bone a tooth is removed.

These are very close to a complete set of dentures, except that the fact that all of the teeth are not extracted and that there are some that are left and used for support.

Partial Dentures

This particular type of denture is used for the correction of gaps in a person’s smile. They can help to maintain the alignment of teeth by preventing the remaining teeth-+6

Denture treatment at Integrative Dentistry of Seattle can provide you with the ability to eat and speak just as your natural teeth would provide. This is a huge benefit and one that should be considered if you are missing one, multiple or all of your teeth.