Common Issues with Tires in Wheeling, IL

by | Nov 17, 2017 | Automotive

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Tires are extremely important to a vehicle. Great tires can make a car ride smooth and easy, but old tires can contribute to a poor ride. Tire wear causes handling issues, poor fuel economy, and may require replacement with new Tires in Wheeling IL.

Check the Air Pressure

One of the most basic forms of tire maintenance a car owner can do is making sure the tires are properly inflated. Because temperatures change dramatically, tire pressure can be affected. For this reason, tire pressures should be checked periodically to make sure they are at optimal levels. If the tire pressure is off, even by a few pounds of air pressure, this can affect how the vehicle handles. Improper tire pressure can dramatically reduce fuel efficiency, and it can cause the tires to wear prematurely.

Tire Balancing

Another issue has to do with the balance of tires. Tires that are not properly balanced will cause a vehicle’s ride to be uncomfortable. The car may pull to the right or to the left significantly, creating a rough ride. In addition, tires that are out of balance will wear out much faster.

Often, this imbalance is a product of a weight used to balance the tires falling off. Having the balance checked periodically or when the car owner notices a difference in the handling is a good idea.

A Suspension that Needs Realignment

The last thing that can affect tires in Wheeling IL is a suspension that is out of alignment. This is typically noted when the car pulls to the left or to the right at highway speeds. In order to straighten the car out, the driver may need to turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction of how the vehicle is pulling. This can cause tires to wear on the inside or outside in a matter of a few weeks, resulting in not only an adjustment to the alignment but, in many cases, the need for new tires.

If you’re dealing with a vehicle that isn’t handling properly, it may be a problem with the tires. It could be as simple as air pressure adjustments or it could be a balancing or alignment issue. To find out what the problem is, you may want to check out the services provided at . You can also follow them on Twitter.