Clear Your Septic Problems Through Drainfields Repair in Auburndale, FL

by | Mar 10, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

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The septic system is an excellent way to handle household sewage for any home without access to a municipal sewer connection. The basic septic system consist of one or two large tanks that accumulate the waste and a leach field to disperse wastewater. The system works because the sewage separates in the tank, with heavy matter falling to the lower area, the effluent (liquid waste) rising towards the top, and scum floating above the effluent. The solid matter is slowly consumed by enzymes and bacteria so that the bottom layer of sludge packs tightly. This reduces the number of required tank cleanings.

As the water in the tank rises, it is slowly drained into a series of pipes. The leach lines are perforated so water can leak out and the pipes should be placed over a layer of gravel or similar aggregate. Unfortunately, this creates a situation where the soil could get saturated and the liquid not percolating properly. Often, the solution to this situation is Drainfields Repair in Auburndale FL. This could be as simple as cleaning the field lines or as complex as replacing the whole drain field. The solution to the problem will often depend on the age of the system and how much space exists for leaching effluent.

Ideally, the drain field should be large enough that the effluent is spread over a large area. This allows for more natural filtration through the soil. However, this isn’t always possible when homes are put on small lots. To handle these situations, the leach fields are made using a series of U-shaped turns so the pipes can still cover a specific amount of distance without using too much physical area. These types of installations may require additional care, such as chemical treatment of the drain field.

One test that is generally required for any septic installation is a percolation test. This test determines the rate of fluid absorption of the soil the septic system will be placed in. This is important to calculate how large the drain field should be. If you are having septic system issues or need Drainfields Repair in Auburndale FL, you can get more info here.