Chimney Materials in Baltimore, MD That May Help Improve Performance

by | Aug 21, 2017 | Chimney

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Those with fireplaces in their homes know that, sometimes, chimneys don’t work as they should. When this occurs, smoke could wind up entering the home instead of going up and out of the chimney. There are a number of ways to fix this type of problem using chimney materials in Baltimore MD.

Chimney Tiles

Some older chimneys may have been made using flue tiles that are smaller than the size that’s currently recommended for this purpose, which is 13 inches by 13 inches. Using smaller flue tiles results in a smaller overall flue size, potentially making it, so the chimney doesn’t have the capacity to draw out as much smoke.

Smoke Guards

Should a homeowner have a chimney with too small of a flue opening but not want to increase the flue opening size, another solution is to reduce the size of the fireplace opening. This can easily be accomplished by purchasing a smoke guard that can be placed over the top of the fireplace opening and sealed into place using a high-temperature sealant.

Glass Doors

Another way to reduce chimney draft problems due to too small of a flue opening or too wide of a fireplace opening is to install glass doors.

Increased Chimney Height

One other reason for drafting problems can be that the chimney isn’t tall enough. Chimney Materials in Baltimore MD can be used to increase the height of the chimney and reduce these problems, improving the performance of the chimney and limiting the amount of smoke that enters the home from the fireplace.

Fresh Air Intake

When smoke is removed, new air needs to come into the home to make up for that removed, or the chimney won’t be able to keep pulling air from the house. In homes that are too airtight or that have multiple exhaust fans pulling air from home as well as the chimney, a fresh air intake may need to be installed to keep the chimney operating at optimal efficiency.

Click here for more information or to schedule services. Complete Chimneys, LLC sells chimney products and also provides a wide variety of chimney services.