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Myths About Veneers

Do your teeth have minor cosmetic issues? If so, then you should consider getting dental veneers in Wilmette. Dental veneers can give you a smile that is balanced and beautiful. You do not need to let misinformation deter you from getting veneers. There are many myths...

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Three Tips to Get Your Whitest Smile Yet

Do you cringe every time that you see how yellow your teeth are? Do you wish you could get them beautifully white for an upcoming special event or for some new family photographs? You may even simply wish that they looked better so that you could have more confidence...

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Oral Surgery Can Benefit Your Health

Visiting a dentist is fine when you need to have a cavity filled. A dentist is also qualified to extract your teeth or repair a broken tooth. However, some situations require more attention than a dentist can give. If you have bone deterioration, a misaligned jaw or...

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Is Sedation Dentistry for You?

Everyone gets anxious at the thought of visiting their dentist. However, some people are really terrified of dentists or anything related to dental procedures. Sedation dentistry can help patients in Sterling feel more relaxed while on the dental chair. Sedation...

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How Can an Emergency Dentist Help You?

No one wants to experience sudden pain or injury to the teeth. However, despite one’s best precautions, these problems can sometimes happen due to an automobile accident, a sport’s injury or a disease in the teeth or gums that suddenly comes to a head. Sometimes, the...

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