Can Counseling Help Treat Addiction?

by | Mar 1, 2019 | Counseling

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Overcoming drug or alcohol addiction is a difficult and challenging process. To be fair, nobody said it would be easy. But with the right substance abuse counseling in Royal Oak, it is not impossible to achieve a one-way-trip to a better life. Believe it or not, psychotherapy can help you beat your addiction as it lets you explore your past and present for your future recovery.

Psychotherapy in a Nutshell

Psychotherapy, a form of talk therapy, is a vital part of drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Quitting cold turkey may work for some people. However, not getting to the bottom of your addiction increases your risk of a relapse. Therapists use behavioral therapy during individual counseling to get to the cause of your addiction. The goal of your therapist is to analyze and help modify destructive thought patterns that often cause addiction. By identifying the root cause of the bad habit, you will be able to stay clean long after your treatment. A qualified therapist can help treat mental health conditions that feed your substance abuse problems.

Types of Therapy

Individuals with substance abuse problems can work with a licensed therapist on a one-on-one basis to help them kick their bad and destructive habits. Therapists use a variety of techniques and methods that can help you work past anxiety, depression, trauma, and other triggers of addiction. Some facilities may even offer other proven methods, such as the following.

  • Music therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Holistic therapies
  • Family counseling

Possible Triggers of Substance Abuse

Several factors may trigger your dependence on drugs or alcohol, such as the following.

  • Daily stress from home life or work
  • Anxiety
  • Socializing with people who have alcohol or drug abuse problems
  • Going to places that trigger memories of past traumas

Going through substance abuse counseling while in rehab can help you stay strong against triggers. With the right motivation and guidance, you can cope with daily life without turning to substance abuse. Therapy is the gateway to a happier life free from drugs and alcohol.