Brake Jobs: An Essential Car Service in Tulsa

by | Mar 25, 2014 | Tires

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One of the most common forms of car service in Tulsa is the brake job. Since brake pads wear out over time, it is typical for a company like Tate Boys Tire & Service to check them while they install or rotate tires. This saves customers from having to pay for brake checks as a separate service.

Having the brakes serviced is quick, easy, and inexpensive when the work is performed at the right time. When this happens, all that usually needs to be done is the replacement of the pads, or for drum brakes, the shoes. The price of the parts varies depending on the brand and quality used, but is generally quite affordable.

When brake work is delayed, however, the price of the job can increase exponentially. This is because once brake pads or shoes are completely worn out, their metal backings are exposed. Then when you step on the brake, the metal is forced into the rotors. For a few stops, you may hear some unsettling squeaks as partially-exposed metal makes this contact. After that, the sound changes to a low grind. When you hear this, you can add $200 to the job. That’s because the rotors will now have grooves in them, and usually, this means that they will need to be replaced. Only the mildest of grooves can be ground out without making the rotors dangerously thin, and no licensed mechanic wants to take a chance.

If you wait even longer, the wheel cylinders will extend beyond their range in an attempt to be able to keep the required pressure on the brake system. This will cause them to leak and need replacement. If you try to wait even longer yet, the wheel cylinder will eventually give way completely and pour your brake fluid all over the pavement. Once that happens, your brakes will fail. With no fluid, they cannot apply pressure to the wheels. On top of that, you can add another $200 or so for each wheel cylinder that needs replacement.

As this shows, stalling on this essential car service in Tulsa can turn a job that’d cost less than $100 into a $400-$500 money sink – per wheel! Not only that, you will eventually be risking your life. Make sure to get your brakes worked on regularly to avoid this disastrous outcome. For brake service and additional resources, check out Tate Boys.