Benefits Offered by Video Sewer and Water Line Inspection

by | Jul 21, 2015 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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aving a sewer and water line inspection completed is something every property manager and home owner needs to keep in mind. This is particularly important if the building is more than a decade old. In the past, there was quite a bit of guesswork that went into sewer repairs. The individuals making the repairs to the pipes would assume the cause of the issue based on the feedback of the building owner. However, modern inspections involve video, which makes these repairs much more accurate. With new technology, video is now able to be used to inspect a water or sewer line and find any clogs, leaks, cracks, or other defects.

Some of the benefits offered by sewer and water line inspection with video include:
? Provides an accurate picture of the sewer or water line’s condition
? Provides pinpointed locations in a pipe that need to be repaired
? Helps validate the condition of a pipe that has just been cleaned or installed
? Is a safe option for all piping types
? Helps ensure the health of the sewer’s pipes
? Provides money-saving advantages for what would otherwise be an expensive repair job
? Prevents the necessity of a possible excavation
? Helps alleviate the necessity for replacing the pipe by finding the precise location of the defect

Sewer damage and issues such as the intrusion of roots will vary drastically in the terms of how severe it is. In some cases, a quick repair will be possible, even at the time of inspection. However, major root intrusions can require a serious repair that will take more time.

For more information about pipe repairs and the benefits offered by modern video inspections, visit the website. Here, businesses and home owners can learn all they need about these services and why they are so beneficial. Modern technology has allowed easy inspection of pipes and ensures that any damage or issues are identified easily and repaired quickly. This minimizes the damage that is present and the extensiveness of repairs that are necessary.

Watch Horizon’s demo video here!