A child with a learning disability will face a number of challenges other children will not. This means offering them any advantages to assist in making their life easier will be to their benefit. Mentoring in Jacksonville area can assist children with learning disabilities not only from a learning perspective, but also in maintaining confidence and self-esteem. Here are some of the benefits of mentoring:
• Perspective: A mentor can often provide a different perspective to a child with a learning disability who is only focusing on the fact they are different or challenged. They can offer insight that allows a child to see that everyone is different and everyone has a challenge they will have to overcome. By seeing they are not the only person facing difficulty will allow them to view their own with less fear or frustration.
• Like Disabilities: Finding an older child or adult who has like disabilities can be particularly affective. When a person with similar issues is able to demonstrate their success despite their disability your child will feel more confident they to can accomplish great things. As well someone with similar challenges will tackle issues in a way that your child can relate to. They will also face the same frustrations your child faces everyday and they can share their experiences and come up with ways to overcome frustration.
• Overcoming Embarrassment: Many children with learning disabilities are embarrassed by their situation. They are not prepared to deal with their feelings and might begin to lose confidence and self esteem. A mentor can help them see that there is no need for embarrassment. They can also offer advice on how to handle confrontation if other children try to center them out because of their learning challenges.
• Goal Setting: A mentor can assist your child in goal setting in order to better deal with their challenges. It might be committing to reading a graphic novel by a certain date, or taking on an additional math problem each day. It can remind them of the day to day needs for study as well as looking into the future so they can follow their dreams.
• Learning and Studying Techniques: A mentor in Jacksonville who understands the different learning approach for kids with learning disabilities can teach them special learning and studying techniques that will assist them in their schooling.
There are many benefits of providing a mentor for children with disabilities. Your child will be given the same opportunities as their classmates and become more confident in their abilities.