Benefits Of Dental Implants Ferndale WA

by | May 19, 2015 | Dental Care

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Millions of people suffer from tooth loss. The loss can occur as a result of an injury or due to severe tooth decay. Whatever the reason for the tooth loss, it can have a negative effect on your smile. There are a couple treatments for tooth loss. A dental bridge is one option. It is a false tooth that is anchored to other the nearby teeth. The other treatment is a dental implant. With dental implants, the tooth is anchored into the jawbone, making it a more permanent solution. There are several benefits of having Dental Implants Ferndale WA over having a dental bridge.

Easy Cleaning

When you have dental bridges, they must be removed when you brush your teeth. Your bridge would also need to be cleaned by soaking it nightly. When you have dental implants, there is not much that needs to be done regarding cleaning. You would clean you implant the same way that you would brush your natural teeth.


When you have dental bridges, you need to be careful with what you eat. If you eat something sticky or too hard, you risk breaking the bridge. Because dental implants are permanent, you would not need to worry about what you eat.

Talking and Laughing

When you are talking and laughing with a dental bridge, there is a risk that it can move around or fall out. This can be very embarrassing. When you have dental implants, you do not need to worry about the implant moving or falling out when laughing because is is drilled into the jawbone. Click here for more details.

No Need for Replacement

After a few years of having a dental bridge, you would need to have it replaced. This can be relatively costly. Because dental implants are permanent, there is no need for replacement.

No Damage to the Surrounding Teeth

Because dental bridges are anchored to your natural teeth, there is a chance that you can damage the surrounding teeth that hold the dental bridge in. Because dental bridges are drilled into the jawbone, there is no chance of damaging the teeth around the implant.

If you are suffering from tooth loss, the best treatment are Dental Implants Ferndale WA. The professionals at Frere Smile Design can treat tooth loss with a dental implant that will look as real as your natural teeth.