Benefits of Applying Fastening And Assembly Solutions in Industries

by | May 5, 2022 | Fastener Supply

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Fastening and assembly are an integral part of the manufacturing process. Companies use a range of fasteners, adhesives, sealants, and other products to ensure everything holds together. These products can be applied in many ways, such as gluing, welding, screwing, or using clips or clamps. This blog post discusses four benefits of using fastening and assembly solutions services.

Reduced Accidental Injuries

Industrial accidents are a major health and safety concern for today’s workplaces. It can be difficult for an organization to maintain a safe work environment with limited resources, but having fasteners and assemblers on staff can help alleviate the problem. These experts are responsible for assembling or disassembling equipment or products.

Reduces Scrap and Rework

In many industries, products are assembled by means of a number of components, often requiring tools and hardware to be assembled in order. Using FAS can reduce rework and scrap costs by over 30%.

Improved productivity

Fastening and assembly are industry leaders in heat-activated adhesives, rivets, and fasteners. These solutions are designed to help increase industrial manufacturers’ overall productivity and efficiency.

Improved product quality

With decreased production time required for assembling the product: there will be greater efficiency in the assembly process. This will lead to a decrease in production costs because fewer resources are needed to manufacture one item.

Reduces Warranty Costs

Fastening and assembly solutions are a market segment of mechanical fasteners used to assemble and hold objects together. These solutions can help manufacturers eliminate downtime, reduce warranty costs, and improve the overall efficiency of their production lines.