Back Pain Causes and Chiropractic Treatment Options in San Diego, CA

by | Jan 31, 2024 | Chiropractor

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Suffering from back pain can affect your quality of life and disrupt your normal routine. However, before an effective treatment option can be recommended, your back pain chiropractor in San Diego, CA will need to perform a comprehensive examination. Here are some common causes of back pain and some effective chiropractic treatment options that you should know about.

Common Back Pain Causes

Back pain can be caused by stretched or torn muscles, overuse, degenerative joint diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. Back pain can be classified as either acute or chronic. Acute back pain doesn’t last as long as chronic back pain, which can last for months or years. In some cases, it can last for the person’s entire life. Back pain can also be caused by medical conditions such as kidney infections, kidney stones, an inflamed gallbladder, liver disease, and lung problems. It is important to note that while these medical problems can lead to back pain, they are often accompanied by other symptoms.

Examination and Treatment Options

The best back pain chiropractor in San Diego, CA will perform a thorough physical examination of your spine and other areas of your back. They will assess the areas for inflammation, changes in skin color, texture, and temperature, and may ask you to walk so that your gait can be assessed. Diagnostic imaging tests such as X-rays and ultrasound studies may also be recommended. Treatments for back pain may include spinal manipulation, therapeutic massage, and physical therapy. Your chiropractor may also recommend nutritional interventions such as eating foods with anti-inflammatory properties such as salmon and tuna.