Avoiding Mishaps, Safety Precautions for Parents Following a Tooth Extraction in Wichita KS

by | Mar 25, 2015 | Dental Health

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A Tooth Extraction in Wichita KS from a child is no small manner, though it is unquestionably common. Just as children are nervous about what to expect, parents are concerned with how to properly care for their child in the week following the procedure.

The actual extraction is handled with the utmost professionalism (and also a little fun) for the kids at Wichita Pediatric Dentistry Service. But it is largely in the parents hands once the child leaves the office for the afternoon.

The main goal is to allow the socket to heal properly. This requires a little careful maintenance and some avoidance of common issues.

24 Rest: Minimize Talking

It sounds impossible, but a parent needs to allow their child to rest and keep they’re talking to a minimum. He or she should not attend school the next day. If at all possible, keep kids away from sports and activity. Perhaps reward them for an hour of peace and quiet. Take advantage of the relaxation in the meantime.

No Hard Foods

Unfortunately, anything hard should be avoided for at least three days following the procedure. Yogurt and other foods are acceptable, of course. But make sure the child rinses out their mouth following eating so the soft foods do not get caught in the mouth. Hot drinks and foods should be avoided as well. Salad, milk, warm pasta, oatmeal, and sandwiches are a few good examples of acceptable foods. On another note, sugar foods should be avoided in general at this point. A nice treat after 72 hours is well earned if the child can manage this.

Do Not Touch It!

Children will have a tendency to poke, prod, fiddle, move, and everything else the space where the tooth once was. This could disrupt the very tender flesh that is covering the socket and could cause it to bleed.

Keep in mind that infection after a Tooth Extraction in Wichita KS is rare but certainly not impossible. Kids that play with the tooth a lot can allow the dirt from their fingers to get into the socket. Follow the above to avoid infection and another visit to the dentist sooner than later.