Attention-Grabbing Facts Regarding Your Local White-Collar Crime Law Attorney in Muhlenberg, PA

by | Jul 31, 2018 | Law Services

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Most Americans believe that white-collar crimes are relatively rare and atypical, but, as any knowledgeable white-collar crime law attorney will tell you, this form of misconduct is actually very widespread in today’s day and age.

As a matter of fact, these corruption-related offenses happen so frequently that the FBI has actually created distinctive subdivisions that focus exclusively on investigating and processing white-collar misdeeds so let’s take a closer look at the information you have to know about this particular legal niche.

What Is Included Within the Definition of White-Collar Crime?

White-collar offenses encompass a wide variety of wrongdoings and assorted transgressions, the vast majority of which occur in the corporate arena:

• Embezzlement and outright larceny

• Financial fraud and monetary deceit

• Falsification of documents, identity theft, and document forgery

• Pyramid schemes (also referred to as Ponzi Schemes)

• Illegal stock trading and securities scams

• Money laundering

However, there are new iterations of crime being added to the docket every year, especially when considering the rapid development of the online environment and the sophistication of financial systems, which underscores the central role of your local white-collar crime law attorney in Muhlenberg, PA.

Some Enlightening Statistics

Before you reach out to a trusted white-collar crime law attorney in your proximity to examine your charges, take a second to peruse through the data exhibited below:

• In total, finance-based crimes represent a $410 billion burden on our nation’s economy.

• The white collar theft perpetrated by employees in high-ranking executive positions is worth almost 20 times the value of offenses committed by mid-level employees.

• Real estate embezzlement causes higher losses than any other finance-related industry.

• Males are responsible for more than 70% of white-collar crimes nowadays.

If you’d like to arrange a fee-free case evaluation with an adept team of experts, be sure to contact us as soon as possible so that we can start building your defense.