Advantages of Using a Mobile POS System

by | Mar 10, 2015 | Business Services

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It is becoming increasingly common for some types of business to install a mobile POS system on hand-held devices, for use with a wireless connection. For businesses and individuals involved in sales, the use of mobile POS technology has plenty of advantages over a fixed point of sale system.

Benefits of Having a Mobile POS
Restaurants were among the first businesses to start taking advantage of the new technology, which allowed them to use hand-held devices and a mobile POS system to speed up the payment process. Bar and cafe owners quickly saw the advantages of allowing orders to be taken on portable devices, and many of them can now accept payments from customers at their tables.

Not all POS transactions take place indoors. When employees or agents are involved in completing sales in the field, there is an even bigger advantage in using a portable device that can accept payment from customers in almost any location. A mobile POS system is suitable for doorstep sales, delivery services, car rentals, trade shows, fast food deliveries and travel payments on buses, trains, ferries and cabs.

A growing number of retail outlets are now abandoning the idea of having fixed checkouts and are training their sales clerks to use a mobile POS system anywhere in-store. Clerks can use a mobile POS system on a tablet to help them respond to customer questions on availability or different options, and to complete a sale.

Anyone who is a regular seller at farmers’ markets or at craft fairs can also use a mobile POS system to accept payments by credit card. This eliminates the need to carry a lot of small change, and it makes payment easier for customers who prefer not to carry a lot of cash.

Functions of a Mobile POS System
A mobile POS system can perform exactly the same functions as a standard POS system. It will keep a record of all the transactions generated by an individual clerk on a particular shift. It will allow a manager to reconcile the day’s takings. It can be linked to inventories, re-ordering systems and other back office functions.

Some POS devices benefit by using touch-screen technology, so that images of different drinks, food items and other items can be brought up on the screen and added to a customer’s order by touch.

POS Superstore has a good range of POS software and can customize a mobile POS system to meet the specific requirements of any type of business.